You are a spiritual being; you are consciously upon the path of awakening to the truth that sets you free. We strive to present a positive, practical, and progressive approach to Christianity. If you have been searching for a love-focused place of worship that embraces all people and honors all spiritual paths, Spiritual Unity could be your answer. Perhaps here you will find what so many others have – the feeling you have come home. We believe that every person is a creation of God and capable of being a light in this world. Therefore, at one’s core is a divine nature of goodness that every person is either asleep or attuned to in varying degrees. A deepening conscious relationship with God helps this God-Seed or divine nature to blossom. Life is for learning and growing spiritually.
We hope you will join us at one of our services and we want you to know, you are welcome here.
Everyone is welcome at Spiritual Unity